Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Hey baby can I palpate your bony landmarks?

Well, just trying to learn that is all. If you thought that was something cute. I am trying to learn the bones of the body, little did I know we also have bony landmarks. Bony landmark say whaaa? There are many, like a zillion in the skull alone. It's nuts. But I feel if I don't learn this now I will never make it in my nursing career. Of course, not sure how many nurses actually utilize that knowledge. I'm sure many must or else they wouldn't bother teaching it to us right? Other things I've learned in school include: Some lovers try positions that they can't handle. And that my Psychology book is loaded with pictures of lesbians.
Why lesbians? I have wondered that since I laid eyes on that first picture of them. And these weren't your average run of the mill lesbians. These were hot young lesbians in a romantic embrace just about to kiss, lips almost touching yet not quite. The other picture was more true to life, not as hot lesbians just a peck on the cheek and nothing more. Perverted psychologists clearly wrote my developmental psych text book.
Ah well off to study joints. Heh. I will just keep my mental protuberance up and go on about my day.

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