Friday, December 18, 2009


I like learning new words. It can be so fun and entertaining to dis people and they have no clue what you are saying. So you just throw your head back and chortle because you are the queen of the universe knowing such big words. Like when someone is so adamant about their viewpoint on something. Just look at them and tell them they are intransigent. It sounds cool.
Anyway, just took my Anatomy and Physiology final and no matter how intransigent I was about being able to use my notes for the final our instructor was intransigent about not letting us. No matter. I wish I was better about the memorizing and recalling sort of way of taking tests. I am not though. I am master of the last minute everything. Which doesn't always work so well when you need to memorize a maximum amount of information.
I would rather just write about what I am learning it makes it easier. Just please make sure you get your stratified non ciliated squamous epithelium checked regularly. I want to make sure that if human papilloma virus has affected you it gets taken care of immediately. Because I love you. Okay, now I need to go take my final final. Hee.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Utlimate Santa freak out

I LOVE that I have a friend who appreciates and sees the humor in traumatizing your children with good old St. Nicholas. Hell, there are many times where I also feel this way. I mean, if Santa had his hand up my dress I would be terrified too. It's rather hysterical how we always teach our children to fear and stay away from strangers. Yet, come Christmas time we throw them on Santa's lap, let them go into horrified hysterics and laugh our butts off. But you gotta admit, that photo is the supreme freak out Santa photo. They are all terrified in it. And you know if you can freak out Santa Claus then you're doing a pretty damn good job. I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas. I have my table centerpiece, it will be this photo blown up. God Bless the children who freak out on Santa's lap. For without them we couldn't stop during this busy time of the year and have a good laugh at their expense. I know on their wedding days this photo will be prominently displayed for all to see!!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Information I needed before I woke up late for school

So, as I am going through a divorce and not actually divorced or anywhere really near being able to support myself I still live with my "husband" and this situation is far inferior to ideal. So the other day my car decided to ooze antifreeze and smoke from the hood. It was some blah blah blah problem and only a small $800 to fix. Pocket change really. Thankfully my "husband" cares about his kid and whether his mother has a car to support herself and get the kid to places.
Except he kept asking me the same question about where the stuff was oozing out from, like I effing know? The upper right quadrant at about precisely 10:00? Does that define it enough for ya?
Sooooooo this morning I woke up late for school and in the midst of my panic to get ready my "husband" tells me that I need to take our darling son to school and take him to pick up my car. Admittedly I flipped out and screamed a few explicatives at him. My poor child was standing there, poor thing. I wasn't yelling at the kid, just the jerk face. Who finally admitted he was wrong. Gee, ya effing think? Well everything worked out in the end and I made it to school, my kid made it to school, and my car is fixed. So life can resume as normal. Or our definition of normal anyway.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Hey baby can I palpate your bony landmarks?

Well, just trying to learn that is all. If you thought that was something cute. I am trying to learn the bones of the body, little did I know we also have bony landmarks. Bony landmark say whaaa? There are many, like a zillion in the skull alone. It's nuts. But I feel if I don't learn this now I will never make it in my nursing career. Of course, not sure how many nurses actually utilize that knowledge. I'm sure many must or else they wouldn't bother teaching it to us right? Other things I've learned in school include: Some lovers try positions that they can't handle. And that my Psychology book is loaded with pictures of lesbians.
Why lesbians? I have wondered that since I laid eyes on that first picture of them. And these weren't your average run of the mill lesbians. These were hot young lesbians in a romantic embrace just about to kiss, lips almost touching yet not quite. The other picture was more true to life, not as hot lesbians just a peck on the cheek and nothing more. Perverted psychologists clearly wrote my developmental psych text book.
Ah well off to study joints. Heh. I will just keep my mental protuberance up and go on about my day.